Franck - Posts

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french company looks for distributor in GCC

Dear sir,madam I am employee in a company located in 80 countries worldwide. This company has been established for 75 years and it is very famous in Europe. I'm french and I'm in charge to find distributors in the gcc. The investment is low, and we provide many solutions. I am located in RAK with my...
by Franck
May 17, 2014
Forum: Investors Looking for Businesses
Topic: french company looks for distributor in GCC
Replies: 0
Views: 1244

Re: How To Check My Passport Still On Black List In Uae

dear sir,
If you had been banish for life, there is no hope. Did they scan your eyes in the jail? Were you in jail at the immigration department or labour office? To help you, we need to have more detail about your punishment. Otherwise, you'd better call your ambassy. Kind regards
by Franck
May 17, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: How to check my passport still on black list in uae
Replies: 21
Views: 50857

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