Fishers - Posts

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looking for furnished family accomodation


I have been offered a job in Dudai (dubai investment park area) and we are looking for a 2 or 3 bed furnished accomodation, can anyone advise on decent areas to rent, prices and or letting agents to contact

Any assistance would be appreciated

by Fishers
Mar 07, 2014
Forum: Accommodation in Dubai
Topic: looking for furnished family accomodation
Replies: 6
Views: 6164

looking for education advice

I have been offered a job in the dubai investment park area and we are looking at accomodation and schooling fees locally

my wife would look for employment in a school and we need a school for our 8 year old son

any advice would be appreciated, websites to visit people to contact etc

by Fishers
Mar 07, 2014
Forum: Dubai Education
Topic: looking for education advice
Replies: 0
Views: 2229

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