sage & onion wrote:It's just an idiot wearing a t-shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gamercowboy wrote:Do you think that it's actually more correct that someone wearing a swastika should be physically assaulted?
sage & onion wrote:Now you are getting ridiculous
rudeboy wrote:atleast we wake up knowing what we did last night. most of the time u drunk ppl dont know where u were or what u were doing or what was DONE to u last night
desertdudeshj wrote:And don't you dare tell me I can't.
desertdudeshj wrote:This is not about freedom of your rights ( the last desperate card left to play in every argument )
Bora Bora wrote:As opposed to LIVE. You have been disconnected.
Snow wrote:They also need to tell parents to monitor what their 10 year old kids are watching and listening to on TV, MP3 and internet. Media plays a big role in making people do bad things.