Eliezerrr - Posts

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Re: Health Insurance!

The normal health insurance plan, was specially designed to function, as an inexpensive limited benefits alternative to the major group health insurance, cover which are very expensive. try this ZNP PSL healthcare this company have normal rates.
by Eliezerrr
Apr 24, 2012
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Health insurance!
Replies: 9
Views: 7309

Re: Yoga-Health

According to me the yoga, is very good for the body. If you do yoga early in the morning, than it give many advantages. Daily exercises are great way to relieve stress in your day and can bring sense of well being of your life. Suffering from hypertension individual, may benefits from yoga, and yoga...
by Eliezerrr
Apr 24, 2012
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Yoga-Health
Replies: 15
Views: 9057

Any person like, energy Drinks.

I know they are probably really unhealthy but i do love Red Bull and shandy bass. There's one, that i can't remember the name of that got ginseng in it and it's revolting.So What do you think about energy drinks, is it good for health.So please share.
For more information visit Boot Camp Burlingame
by Eliezerrr
Apr 24, 2012
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Any person like, energy Drinks.
Replies: 9
Views: 5872

Yoga for weight loss, purpose.

Yoga is very useful exercise. It keeps, maintain your body loosing weight reduces stress. Yoga is a helpful to health you will find that your sleep will improve, and that you may even need less time to sleep as your rejuvenation level.What do you think..
by Eliezerrr
Apr 24, 2012
Forum: Alternative Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Yoga for weight loss, purpose.
Replies: 8
Views: 5198

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