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Help with business location.

Hi everyone. I am looking to relocate to Dubai and set up a small up-market family portraiture studio. Could anyone advise which area(s) would be best? The main important factors are: - A central location with parking, providing good access by car to and from most parts of the city. - Upmarket / pre...
by Dubaibound
May 22, 2006
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Help with business location.
Replies: 10
Views: 3154

If that is the extent of your business model so far I would suggest you spend more time revisiting the idea. Seriously, you will not go very far with that alone considering central location and parking do not go hand in hand here. Geographical location alone will not bestow confidence in your targe...
by Dubaibound
May 24, 2006
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Help with business location.
Replies: 10
Views: 3154

yes its a professional service, but you still need a local partner. in this case, the local acts as the "service agent" rather than a shareholder, and he is responsible for organising all the legalities. i hv a prof serv company and use a local partner who has a company called Key Busines...
by Dubaibound
May 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Help with business location.
Replies: 10
Views: 3154

...I'll be looking for 2000-3000 sqft.
by Dubaibound
May 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Help with business location.
Replies: 10
Views: 3154

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