lolzz...u seem to have a major problem with most of the nationalities..
BTW, whats ur nationality ???
MAC wrote:Tropic23 wrote:I`m sure he is from India.
i'm sure you are a fcking moron
kay1730 wrote:MAC= Moron
Well, I guess you won`t know what that means.
Moron= Somebody (MAC) with significant learning difficulties and difficulty in carrying out usual social functions.
I hope you get the idea:
MAC= Moron
Moron= MAC
St.Lucifer wrote:Are u really a gangsta or may b Shaq o neal!!!! or atleast do u admit that u are one of these,
1. Lion
2. Dr.D
3. Dr.Angel
4. Dr. No
MAC`s Father wrote:I am MAC`s unfortunate father. i would like to appologise on behalf of the blo.o.d.y fool and i hope he has not troubled you too much.
HP and MAC are one- f.u.c.k.i.n.g t.w.a.t.s
dodgeek wrote:have u guys smelt indian chics?
some indian chics are hot....but once they open their mouth...........................................................
Smart wrote:KageofSoul wrote:How many hours of sleep do you usually get? Are you an insomniac or a sleepy head?
You have to sleep 8 hours.
BTW,doctors say that you can count 1 hours as 2 if you go to bed before 12 pm.