Dale099 - Posts

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Hi Ahmed, this sounds like it could be a cramp which then leaves your calf muscle in spasm. If so, magnesium can help. Magnesium can be taken in tablet form or (if you can find it in Dubai) it can be applied to the skin in liquid form - which is 10 times more effective. It can take weeks for the mag...
by Dale099
Nov 02, 2009
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Tense Muscle Issue
Replies: 2
Views: 2110

Back pain after pregnancy

As I am sure you know too well, pregnancy puts alot of strain on your lower back and can leave you with muslce spasm and even spinal misalignment - for which you could see a chiropractor. You described your pain as 'dull & aching' which usually is not the description given by people experiencing...
by Dale099
Nov 02, 2009
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: How much back pain is normal after pregnancy?
Replies: 2
Views: 2073

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