Daflares - Posts

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Obtaining Police Records

Hey everyone, Forgive me if I've posted this in the wrong category but wasn't exactly sure where to post it. I'm a UK expat, been living in Dubai 4+ years. I recently married a US Citizen who still lives in the US. We're processing my US spouse visa and I need to have a certificate from the police s...
by Daflares
Oct 16, 2012
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Obtaining Police Records
Replies: 2
Views: 2439

Where to get a good deal on a watch?

Hi everyone, Have a friend visiting next week and he's asking if there's anywhere he can get a good deal on a watch. No doubt the malls will be no cheaper than Europe and he won't be able to haggle. Do they sell watches at the Dubai Gold and Diamond Park or anywhere else that won't be fake? (Obvious...
by Daflares
Oct 25, 2012
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Where to get a good deal on a watch?
Replies: 3
Views: 3262

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