Dad - Posts

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my first post...
So I thought that I wouldn't miss if I post here :)
by Dad
Oct 03, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 336
Views: 38080

what is fetish?
And who is considered fetishist?
by Dad
Oct 04, 2008
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Foot fetishists
Replies: 18
Views: 7861

Thanks Arny74.
So where are you from?
by Dad
Oct 04, 2008
Forum: For Sale in Dubai
Topic: Tennis on DVD
Replies: 2
Views: 1795

But before E there is always a D...
by Dad
Oct 04, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: e
Replies: 10
Views: 1261

It's interesting which Americans are against the bailout plan?
Those that can't return their debt to the banks?
by Dad
Oct 04, 2008
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Where is USA headed?
Replies: 34
Views: 6596

Hm.. your site seems like a great idea.
The best advertising is the quality and value of your website.
When people start speaking about it.
by Dad
Oct 06, 2008
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Replies: 15
Views: 5320

Dealing with social anxiety in Dubai?

For as long as I can remember I have had these very limiting beliefs about myself. Naturally, these limiting beliefs tend to emerge when I'm in a group of people and in social situations. Sometimes I can be quite the extrovert, and to the blind eye many times I am, but like many others I face inner ...
by Dad
May 31, 2011
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Dealing with social anxiety in Dubai?
Replies: 13
Views: 4689

Re: Dealing With Social Anxiety In Dubai?

Bethsmum, I do agree with you, but the reason it's such an issue with me is that I have such an expressive personality, and these anxieties rarely allow me to just be comfortable with someone without second guessing anything i say, or even then saying nothing at all. I do smile, but excessively....i...
by Dad
Jun 01, 2011
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Dealing with social anxiety in Dubai?
Replies: 13
Views: 4689

Re: Dealing With Social Anxiety In Dubai?

Kanelli: It is incredibly frustrating particularly because i really enjoy talking to people, and sometimes I think (and know) I give off the wrong impression, that i'm ignoring someone or being inattentive when in reality im just wrapped up in being anxious rather than just being social. Thanks Choc...
by Dad
Jun 02, 2011
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Dealing with social anxiety in Dubai?
Replies: 13
Views: 4689

Re: Dealing with social anxiety in Dubai?

Bethsmum: I do drink, but unfortunately i do coax myself into getting drunk in order to feel comfortable. No not silly and obnoxious, but I definitely drink to elude anxious feelings. I know alcohol is a social lubricant, but definitely don't like relying on it to get me in the mood Dillon: That mad...
by Dad
Jun 04, 2011
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Dealing with social anxiety in Dubai?
Replies: 13
Views: 4689

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