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Use of term African American or Black in Dubai ?

Is it true that in Dubai, the typical custom when talking about African Americans, is that they prefer to use the term "blacks" instead of "African American" ??? I was quite surprised when someone told me this. I did not believe this to be true and was surprised to hear this. Can...
by Curious
Apr 24, 2010
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Use of term African American or Black in Dubai ?
Replies: 5
Views: 3047

Use of term African American or Black in Dubai ?

Is it true that in Dubai, the typical custom when talking about African Americans, is that they prefer to use the term "blacks" instead of "African American" ??? I was quite surprised when someone told me this. I did not believe this to be true and was surprised to hear this. Can...
by Curious
Apr 24, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Use of term African American or Black in Dubai ?
Replies: 3
Views: 851

Re: Use Of Term African American Or Black In Dubai ?

I think the term "Blacks" might be widely used however I think it has racist undertones, however more subconsciously today. We no longer call Chinese Yellows or native American Indians Reds. There is an inconsistency of treatment there. The perpetuation of the terms blacks and whites only ...
by Curious
May 11, 2010
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Use of term African American or Black in Dubai ?
Replies: 5
Views: 3047

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