shafique wrote:For the sake of balance, I'll also try and get a copy of the PBS video to watch about the collapse of the buildings.
KeithL wrote:I wonder if Karr is the right man ??
from what i've been reading, he seems to be infatuated with the girl and the case on the whole. The real culprit must be someone else
ineedacoolnick wrote:I'm selfish.
I want american and emarati citizenship.
Oh and...ummmm...nevermind.
kanelli wrote:I'm done with the Politics, Philosophy and Religion Forum. It is full of too much bullshit.
sage & onion wrote:KeithL wrote:zam wrote:Isnt he the rude, mean but end of it all funny veteran of the forum?? why would he leave DF?
He's upset with his forum daddy
and sulking because Crocs and Ej rebuked his advances
Maybe he just went on Vacation!
the_zooter wrote:The whole of DF are just freaks!!
As for me:
I can turn my tongue upside down!