arniegang wrote:Concord wrote:my habiby(sp) definetily = HP. Unless someone convinces me otherwise.
Funny stuff.
you are sooooooooooooooooooo 2 faced Conc
you never said this in VIP
see me is right - now u r wid me
arniegang wrote:i will let you know as soon as i know mate
Chocoholic wrote:And how many 'illegal' states have there and will be across the globe, it's a dead argument.
America? Who knows!
sara_uk wrote:Concord wrote:13
i thought you were dying in 6 months
bushra21 wrote:and what is the maximum number and how do you control this?
not trying to be smart, just wondering
^ian^ wrote:Easy question, quite topical - share, rent on own, or own?
zam wrote:Concord wrote:She'll kill me
why? did u betray her in anyway thru DF?