There's no problem splitting a bill equally when everyone has basically had about the same, but some can take the mick and go over board. That's why dinners with a pre-set cost are a good idea.
The most recent one is an Aussie man who accidentally ran over his son. When he comes back from laying the nipper to rest, chances are he'll stand trial. And yet the Emirati mother who had 7 people in her car, was speeding and probably no one was wearing seat belts, two children died and authorities...
Are there no charities that could come and take it for those less fortunate? You never know, as the old saying goes, 'one man's junk, is another man's treasure'.
Technically unless you have permission to sublet rooms from your landlord, then no, it's not allowed. Also bear in mind that opposite sexes sharing is also not allowed.
Well the Pakistanis seem reluctant to hand his wife over to anyone else, let's see what happens with one. As I've said several times before, there was no way he was going to be taken alive, too much of a risk of nutters taking hostages elsewhere in a bid to get him freed - no one was going to risk t...
I wonder if it has to do with Pakistan. If OBL was kept alive and talking, perhaps he'd turn on Pakistan and spill the beans publicly about their involvement with him and jeopardize US and Pakistan's relations as the US still views Pakistan as an ally. (Don't ask me why! I'm thinking Pakistan shoul...
Blaming something on fate, or Inshallah is a cop out. Fate is something you cannot control, like if it's your time to go then that's it. But with regards to accidents - actually I really don't want to call it an accident, as it could so easily have been avoided - there are things that you can do to ...
BB, lets' rephrase that as 'some' Americans are aware - the majority don't know what's going on outside their own back yard. The majority don't hold passports and have never travelled anywhere.
Gosh there's such a huge choice. Sushi for one, Yo! Sushi, with the little conveyer belts is great, also Bentoya on Shk Zayed road - fabulous, always full of Japanese, so you know it's good :D Plenty of places to try Thai food. Lots of seafood joints, the choices are pretty much endless, just pick w...
LOL first off, I'm not married. Secondly I don't believe in religion at all. But for arguments sake over which one is best blah blah blah, at their core ALL the religions, be it Christianity, Islam, Hinduism etc etc teach exactly the same set of rules for humanity - they all do and there's no denyin...
BB, lets' rephrase that as 'some' Americans are aware - the majority don't know what's going on outside their own back yard. The majority don't hold passports and have never travelled anywhere. You are a rare breed in that case. I'm sure it goes beyond "some" Americans Chocs. One doesn't ...
Seriously, another person killed by the wreckless user of a jetski who clearly had no idea what he was doing! When are they going to enforce the laws that Abu Dhabi already has? Every user on the water should be subject to having a valid license.
Well it looks like they are going to charge the boy who hit the other lad - so stupid, I bet he was showing off as usual and not paying any attention whatsoever.
The teenager who hit Abdullah has been referred to Family and Juvenile Prosecution on accidental death charges. He is currently in detention but will likely be released within a day or so , police said. More than likely this will be the last you hear of this case. Those involved were Emiratis. I gu...
Great, well that sends out a brilliant message now doesn't it?! And what message is that? I don't understand how you can comment on a fatal accident without knowing all the details? It sends out the message that it's ok to kill someone and be forgiven as long as you know the family. The kid should ...
My attitude might seem harsh, but I have to put up with these idiots every single weekend acting like complete idiots and trying to kill me and my friends whilst we're boarding! If the family chooses to forgive him, fine, I guess he has to live with what he;s done for the rest of his life anyway. BU...