Anyone know what the rules are for being a prince? This dude's Grandfather is/was the King's brother. I know there are a butt load (pun intended) of Saudi Princes, but what are the rules? Any loose relation to the big man counts? In the UK, that would your title be if your Grandpa was Queen Liz's b...
DD, I'm actually surprised by this as I always thought you were the sensible type. Why oh why did you keep it there in the first place and why didn't you tell Mrs DD?
It's not that he's just a troll. It's that he doesn't engage in any other activity on the forum but to spread his hatred and misguided views. He only has one agenda and I don't see that it's relevant to this forum. I wonder where he got this habit from :roll: MMmmm talking about yourself again I see.
Well now I suppose those of us that know Mrs DD are sowrn to secrecy and hope it doesn't come out at a drunken soiree one night. Somethings DD my dear you really do need to keep to yourself. I wouldn't tell Mrs DD, she'll only beat herself up over it. Lessons learned - the hard way, and don't keep s...
Well now I suppose those of us that know Mrs DD are sowrn to secrecy and hope it doesn't come out at a drunken soiree one night. Somethings DD my dear you really do need to keep to yourself. I wouldn't tell Mrs DD, she'll only beat herself up over it. Lessons learned - the hard way, and don't keep ...
Excuse me! I used to play field hockey and was pretty good at it! We actually used to play mixed field hockey - note to blokes, DO NOT tackle a vicious woman with a big wooden stick that can easily slip upwards between your shorts!
Excuse me! I used to play field hockey Where is the "not shocked" smiley? I know you are hetero, but explains a lot! Well we also wanted to play rugby at school, but NOOOOO they wouldn't let the girls play - booooo. So we had to have some kind of violent contact sport lol Let's face it ne...
but im still amazed at you starting the thread pretending you care for our women rights and love then went in describing them as s.e.x objects i would say them trying to attract men im malls as you said ! So Which way do you wana go here ? Someone's got to care about your women's rights Kid, becaus...
Actually this is complete and utter BS from the Daily Mail, who're just trying to cause discontent with people again! Here are the ACTUAL statistics - Mohommed doesn't even figure!
Yes I know a few of them. Ahhhh but you see here is the thing, look up the term Bachelor and it merely states 'an unmarried man' - girlfriends don't count apparently - charming!
It makes the mind boggles how idiots get away with stuff like that on the road. Oh and they reduced the impound time to 300 days to 'make him repsect the road rules more' - so how does reducing the penalty make him repsect it more? Bananas backward thinking as per usual.
Same old story unfortunately K. Everyday I see cars where the adults are wearing seatbelts, yet the children are roaming freely about the car. They won't learn until something happens.
I think it's lovely, I really do and agree with TJ.
BM, with an attitude like that - forget getting back on the plane, how about you head off to NASA and find a rocket to blast yourself into space, where you can be all on your own and miserable!
. They won't learn until something happens. Wrong,even when something happens many of them say it had nothing to do with not wearing seatbelts or not using car seats... They just say 'Inshallah' - well if they won't learn, I say leave them to it! Darwins theory of evolution - cleansing the gene poo...
is that true that you have to get a blood test done from a government hospital before the marriage? (((( yes ))) if so, what if the woman is pregnant already and it comes out that she is (a blood test will show this easily) then the woman can be held responsible for adultery right? is that common p...
Uhm Beth why is wrong ? Are you debating from a scientific point of view or a pure ethic one ? L. Of course it's wrong - from a moral and scientific point of view! That's why there's so many screwed up children, because they all have genetic defects because their parents are too close in the gene p...