But even if you could predict someone's death or how they would die, would you (be allowed to) tell them? Could that person then not try to avoid the fatal events? I'm thinking Final Destination here.
I cannot believe the attitudes of these people - seriously it's appalling. I really hope that in someway justice is served and they get brought down a peg or 10.
Well, I am beyond words at how helpful Dubai police have been tonight. I have some neighbours that insist on riding their quad bike about 6pm everyday around the carpark outside my apartment. Not only the the noise terribly annoying, but the those riding it are children probably no more than about 1...
Can somebody translate this for me Robinhood I just thought of something....(You see... I'm sometimes slower than a molasses on a cold day!) Robinhood, If you had that little packet in hand, all you had to do is turn it around to read what it was in English!!! Or just open the damn thing, to see th...
Ahhhhhh DDS, sorry but your avatar/animation thingy is freaking me out. I hate the flying eyeball, any chance of something er less gross - please, 'sob'.
Its not me Avatar :D Well blame the forum, it somehow messed about with my old sig ! And the BB actually gave me the idea of getting something more annoying, and I remember my old avatar from some forums back in time. Don't blame me blame BB ! P.S : I like the flying eyeball :) plus gives a good im...
Well in other reports he tried to claim diplomatic immunity but didn't quality - oh dear. He'll not want to go back to KSA, because if it turns out he's gay, he could face the death sentence there.
Well in all honesty even if he was released, he'd probably be knocked-off before he even hit Saudi soil due to the embarrassement he's brought to them.