What kind of women are these that only want to go for the "stereotypical 'tall dark stranger' (preferably with nice slick backed hair, lantern jawed rugged good looks, Armani top to toe, Porsche key-ring, wallet bulging with platinum plastic kind of tall darkness)". More importantly, why ...
First of all you should have posted this in the 'help' section.
In answer to your question - no you cannot cancel your visa from outside the UAE, because they need your passport to be able to do it. If you wait until your visa naturally expires, then there are fines for not getting it cancelled out.
TJ, sadly with the majority of the examples you have given, it requires the killer to be in close range of their intended victim, with firearms you do not, so it's a null and void argument really. The USA would do well to tighten up their gun laws - any idiot over there can pretty much get their han...
I managed to find myself exactly that without even trying - although he's defo not into all the sad label clothing, tragic p*nis extension cars and whatnot. Yup, that's true. I've seen his bike! :lol: :lol: :lol: Knight LOL well it's not going to look like that for very long, it'll be resprayed bla...
I really do think it's a shame that Dubai got caught in the whole 'must have the biggest and best' attitude. It's lost so much of the charm it used to have.
LOL - it was in the 'newbies' section when I first saw it.
But either way you still have to get 'cancelled' stamped over the visa, so the passport is still required by immigration to do this. No way around that.
34 minutes? Is that all?! Try waiting for 70 until you get to speak to someone, or even going to one of their shops and waiting over 2 hours to be seen.
I sent you a message! BUT my mate's villa buddy has just moved out so he's kicking around a 3 bed just down the road from you if you need something for a few weeks.
Being in a relationship doesn't mean you have to lose friends at all, but it's a shame when some of your single mates get a bit jealous because their friends are pairing off and it's them that disappear.
I took arabic lessons for quite a while, but it's frustrating to try and practice because everyone wants to speak to you in English. Learning the right dialect is essential. You need Gulf Arabic/Lebanese or Egyptian as these are the most widely spoken. Formal - people will understand you but no one ...
Well I don't really care so long as I get to keep my BB, because the alternative packages aren't really alternative are they. Plus the retards at Etisalat assured me today that BBM can be downloaded onto other smart phones - er no it can't you idiots.
Kid, the fact that you keep harping on about living for free, just goes to reinforce the fat that you have no appreciation or clue about the value of money - ANYWHERE.
Once again your blatant ignorance shines through - well done, great example. NOT!
Sadlt the cat, no matter what age or size the dog is, is always going to see one as a threat. It's really not fair to put the cat in that situation. Really the only best way for dogs and cats to 'bond' is it they grow up together, like mine did, had them both at 6 weeks old, 6 months between them, t...