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Re: Dubai 88.8 Radio

Mmmm not sure 97.3 or something like that. I know a few guys working for them, they're due to launch in the next month or so.
by Chocoholic
Mar 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai 88.8 Radio
Replies: 14
Views: 5023

Re: Dubai 88.8 Radio

LOL that'll soon change! I know the guy programming the music!
by Chocoholic
Mar 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai 88.8 Radio
Replies: 14
Views: 5023

Re: UAE court sentences 17 Indians to death

BlackburnRovers wrote:Who are you referring to when you say 1 billion ?!

I'm sure you're smart enough to figure it out.
by Chocoholic
Mar 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: UAE court sentences 17 Indians to death
Replies: 20
Views: 2500

Re: Public/Private sector holiday tomorrow?

Don't so utterly ridiculous. Of course there won't be national holidays and the only Emirate that is truly mourning is Abu Dhabi.

I do however, get 3 days off - na na nana na
by Chocoholic
Mar 31, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Public/Private sector holiday tomorrow?
Replies: 5
Views: 4217

Re: Sheikh Al Nahyan dead?

Teddybear, seriously get over yourself. You can't expect the entire place to grind to a halt. Live goes on.

We mourned last night, at Barasti, then Bar Zar. And we shall do the same again tonight. Not 100% that all events are cancelled either, no official word.
by Chocoholic
Mar 31, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Sheikh Al Nahyan dead?
Replies: 12
Views: 2180

Re: Sheikh Al Nahyan dead?

Dubai is business as usual. Just had confirmation all the events/concerts are ON!
by Chocoholic
Mar 31, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Sheikh Al Nahyan dead?
Replies: 12
Views: 2180

Re: Renew Your Registration or Face Confiscation!!!!!

It's not necessarily fines, I know of a few people who are unregistered because the finiky testing centres keep failing their vehicles for the stupidest reasons - er like a small dent in the wing, which does not affect the car in the slightest, yet it would cost quite a bit to fix, so these people j...
by Chocoholic
Apr 03, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Renew Your Registration or Face Confiscation!!!!!
Replies: 3
Views: 3872

Re: Anybody got a light

Also believe it or not we have the 'wrong type' of sunshine in the UAE for solar panels to work effectively on a large scale. BP completed an extensive research project into this a few years ago and it turns out the sunlight here is too harsh.
by Chocoholic
Apr 03, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anybody got a light
Replies: 8
Views: 1630

Re: Updates on Locals...

Many locals are very pleasant and nice, sadly it's the idiot ones that give the rest a bad name, and even other arab nationalities pretending to be Emirati that act in the bad ways.
by Chocoholic
Apr 03, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Updates on Locals...
Replies: 13
Views: 1930

Re: A cautionary tale

Hang on a second. I think this is very one-sided. First of all the most important thing for people with any kind of mental illness is to have a strong support system around them, people who understand, that can be turned to when things don't go quite right. Most of these issues arise because the oth...
by Chocoholic
Apr 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: A cautionary tale
Replies: 16
Views: 2063

Re: A cautionary tale

LOL define 'normal'. But most people with mental illness do not tell others unless they can trust them 100%, because sadly many people have a misconception of the issues.
by Chocoholic
Apr 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: A cautionary tale
Replies: 16
Views: 2063

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

The stupidest thing is that it was hear say from a 2 year old child!!!! The mother never actually saw it. In any other country it would be laughed off. Why waste time and resources. Go catch real criminals.
by Chocoholic
Apr 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

Re: A cautionary tale

Sorry Bora but no, sometimes meds are not the way to go. It can take months maybe even years to find the right drugs in the right doses, there are other ways to control the symptoms. In many cases the drugs have a severe negative effect. Imagine walking around like and unfeeling zombie and all you w...
by Chocoholic
Apr 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: A cautionary tale
Replies: 16
Views: 2063

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

The stupidest thing is that it was hear say from a 2 year old child!!!! The mother never actually saw it. In any other country it would be laughed off. Why waste time and resources. Go catch real criminals. Apparently the mother gave two conflicting statements. Minor oversight by the court I guess....
by Chocoholic
Apr 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

Re: A cautionary tale

Bora, I am well aware of the ranges - from Cyclothemia, to Bipolar 1 & 2 - and the fact is there is a whole range of medications, some work for some people others don't, any psychiatrist will tell you that and sadly with many people it is still a case of trial and error, you start at one dosage ...
by Chocoholic
Apr 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: A cautionary tale
Replies: 16
Views: 2063

Re: lookng for european or amrican girl to marry

Read the rules!
by Chocoholic
Apr 11, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: lookng for european or amrican girl to marry
Replies: 24
Views: 8417

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

RB, seriously most parents in this part of the world haven't got a clue what's right for their children! That's why they let them run around the inside of cars without a seatbelt, then wonder why their head gets smashed to bits as they go flying through the windscreen in an accident. Any other court...
by Chocoholic
Apr 11, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

The law actually states that for PDA's it's a fine and a caution. Only for 'severe breaches' is a jail term and deportation sought.

So basically the entire case is BS!
by Chocoholic
Apr 12, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

Re: Pets?

I have acat. He's fat and lazy and doesn't do much, but has a great personality :D
by Chocoholic
Apr 12, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Pets?
Replies: 47
Views: 4140

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

Dubai's doors are open to everyone? Yeah right! Oh purrrlease! In another thread you are openly advising people to break the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sage, seriously get over it. People know the laws, but everyone also knows the authorities turn a blind eye so long as you behave. Your scaremongering ...
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

Re: This has been covered before but here goes...

Oh get over it would you. It's hardly a 'risk' because the authorities know about it. The same as hotels are not supposed to let unmarried couples share a room, but hey that would kill the tourism industry dead. You simply tell people you are married, and wear a set of wedding rings, that's what mos...
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: This has been covered before but here goes...
Replies: 24
Views: 2216

Re: This has been covered before but here goes...

You simply tell people you are married, and wear a set of wedding rings, that's what most people I know do, never ever had any issues or problems, never heard of any either. Once again you're just a scaremongerer. one ly leads to another ;) next they will be saying oh i 4got shes my sister :D RB, y...
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: This has been covered before but here goes...
Replies: 24
Views: 2216

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

rudeboy wrote:a law is a law, we dont live in the wild west ;)

And they can be bent.
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

Re: True love overcomes any distance

erm you do realise this thread is 5 years old right?
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: True love overcomes any distance
Replies: 67
Views: 7519

Re: Restaurants ~

LOL Symmetric do you work for mOre? Last time I ate there I had the worst food poisoning EVER! for Sushi, try Bentoya on Shk Zayed road behind the Sketchers building - awsome and you know it's good because all the Japanese eat there. Duh of course the Chinese/Indian etc food is commercial. If you wa...
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Restaurants ~
Replies: 38
Views: 5020

Re: Restaurants ~

DD, I totally agree with you. All the big eateries are commercial food outlets, they rely on large quantities, fast turnover and the food can suffer.

I love the more street food, the tiny places, where it's cheap as anything and the food is good.
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Restaurants ~
Replies: 38
Views: 5020

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

You miss the point entirely. If the authorities enforced the cohabitation laws - which they don't - then people would not come and work here. Stop seeing things in black and white, when there are gaping grey areas. I'm simply stating to you lot who jump up and down and go 'it's against the law, you'...
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

Still not getting it are you! The authorities TURN A BLIND EYE because they HAVE TO! Otherwise NO ONE WOULD COME!

What do you not understand about that.
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

:banghead: Whatever! You can carry on scaring people, and I'll just tell it how it REALLY is.
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

Re: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!

Oh for goodness sake you lot are impossible! It's a simnple fact that you are ok, so long as you don't annoy anyone - what is so hard to understand about that fact.

As I said before, you lot can scaremonger. And I'll tell it how it really is.
by Chocoholic
Apr 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Update on the British Couple Jailed for Kissing!!!
Replies: 182
Views: 16982

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