The Emirati woman must be a sad, lonely, jealous human being to do what she did! And she admits she didn't even see it herself. She could have just gone over to talk to the couple. But nooooooo instead she chooses to ruin two peoples lives. Well done! I applaud that backward retardedness of people i...
and where did u get the idea that pda is o.k ? Or that it is in public or that the law does not punish it ? Erm do we not see men walking down the street holding hands on a daily basis? Touching noses? Kissing on cheeks and lips, walking along with hands in eac others back pockets and I've ...
First off Sammy is a SHE! Secondly, Atlantis has been very sketchy with details of the release and the reasons behind it. Most people are saying that Sammy was very sick and they decided to release her to take her chances in the ocean, rather than run the risk of her dying in captivity and enduring ...
Oh cripes. Most people I know would be banged up by now if this was a regular thing. Pfffff big brother attitude, who elses bsiness is it apart from the people involved. Get a life people. In the UK and other countries you cannot just use things like this as evidence you have to obtain a court order...
It all boils down to basic human nature, chemicals and hormones. The basic instinct is to reproduce. I don't believe that most people can be monogamous. Why do you think so many couples these days practice open relationshsips, are swingers etc etc. With human beings living longer and longer could yo...
No it doesn't mean that at all. Newbies can choose to post in there or not. You can see who the newest member is at the bottom of the main page. Many people become members and never write a single post. If you click on 'members' at the top right hand side of the page - where your username is, you ca...
Some people are just tools. I saw this once to the point that the following car was literally in the back door of the ambulance. Fair play to the paramedics, they actually stopped the ambulance - obviously the person inside wasn't in a critical condition - got out and gave the driver what for. I als...
REPORTING !!! WOOOW the work ethics, leaking your company information without an authorization ... I'm learning so many good things from you guys , well viking-warrior I'm sorry but I’ve got to report you to your company and hopefully the company IT will track you down . Grow up Kid, the informatio...
In no 'civilized' country would you find people tailgating and ambulance. Eish the mini-bus drivers are mental this morning. All undertaking at about 150 on Emirates road, fully laden - idiots.
oh that happens everyday on the Ad-Dxb highway. Where the radar doesn't snap you till 160. I did read something that they were thinking of reducing the seating capacity + limiting the speed on thoses things. At first I didn't think that was such a good idea, but from what I see nowadays .......... ...
It might be one of the 2 new stations that are running out of Abu Dhabi. The reason it's none stop music, is because it's a test transmission and hasn't actually lanched yet. Fear not the chatter, ads, news etc etc will all come.
Well don't really have much sympathy for people like that. They have a pack animal mentality and are sub-human. Fear not there's another billion of them out there.
Some valid points are made, however, the biggest problem is the hypocrisy and blatant picking on certain nationalities. And it should be one rule for all, not changing depending where you come from. Issues like this just make Dubai a complete laughing stock in the international media and to outsider...
I have acat. He's fat and lazy and doesn't do much, but has a great personality :D Have you been poppin' anti-depressants towards the little fat daddy? :lol: LOL no he's 12 so he's just at that chilling age. He's very Garfield in character. But he's funny in the morning when he wants food, a little...
Johnlee, ignore the scare mongerers, you will have no issues whatsoever. Don't even let it cross your mind. So long as you don't have strict neighbours to annoy, it's really not an issue.