Argh okay seeing as we are going there. Yes of course condoms reduce sensitivity. Those Femidom things are hideous and whoever invented them needs to be shot! But condoms come in lots of thicknesses, feels (ribbed, bobbled etc etc) so can make a difference. There are flavoured ones, glow in the dar...
Oh no my friend, women are not cry babies. Thats the strongest tool they have in their aresenal against men. When all else fails throw in a lttle tears and you see tough cigar smoking, raw hide chewing, arms thick as tree trunk men turn into little wimpering poodles ready to dance at madams every c...
The currency is UAE Dirhams. However, take a look at the exchange rates and it might be worth bringing US dollars and changing them to Dirhams once you get here as the Dirham is linked to the dollar at around 3.65, so it very often works out better.
Well personally, okay on the one hand I can understand it. However, it is odd to make non-muslims wear a shayla aswell as an abaya as normally you can just wear an abaya and have your head unconvered. This I think is unaccpetable.
It's okay as long as people do it properly, not like here. It's really not that hard to go all day without taking in any sustenance. However, to then stuff yourself stupid is the harmful bit.
That's horrible. However I have to say considering you have first aid training you should know better than to have pulled the guy out the truck. Unless there is a risk of explosion, leaking fuel and what not, you do not do this! They have to be stabilised first, neck brace, IV line etc. If he had ha...
I still think you were bloody lucky. He could easily have bled out on you. And no the laws have not changed that much in this country. Unless you are a qualified paramedic or doctor you can be prosecuted if the person dies as you would be held responsible. Of ourse it depends on the situation. But i...
DD, I look up to you for doing the right thing. Choc's, your real character is showing clear... nice to know you would rather stand back than help someone who is in danger. real nice. (let me guess, you probably want a medal of honor as well for your 'wisdom')? FFS! Don't you people READ! I never s...
I'm with Chocs on this one. The first thing taught in first aid is that you should not move a trauma victim unless there is an immediate need to do so. Good job on how it eventually turned out, desertdude but if the guy had been unlucky, he could potentially have been paralyzed for life. Thank you!...
Anyway what was the point of post DD, do you want a medal or something? Also I would add that you encouraged the driver to perform an illegal manoeuvre too, allowing him to undertake you. Whereas you should have stayed where you were and let him go around you to the left, as you're supposed to! SO p...
Yup, unfortunately women are not deemed as credible witnesses. We are not allowed to give in our passports as guarantee for others either. Crappy if you ask me.
It looks good, I've been watching the trains going up and down for a while now. Still wondering who will use it though. Oh no Chocs,now you will be accused of being an elitist because you have a car and wont have to use it. :roll: Well it's not operational for passengers yet. I'd love to use it, on...
I don't think the two world wars have anything to do with it. But SH has a point, the different factions are always fighting one another. That's why there will never be a proper 'brotherhood' among Muslims as they're always wanting to get one up over each other.
I think it's really sad that authorities would have to go to such measures, to encourage people to use something which could potentially save their life and the lives of others.
Hi ladies, I found amaizing new Salon in the heart of Jumeira, Heavin did the best highlights and cut ever. I am so happy, finaly I found beautiful place, professional and friendly staff in one. call them 342 8040 Righto -you wouldn't happen to work for that particular salon would you? Seeing as th...