It's a total overreaction - as usual! I've seen worse on adverts, tv here yet no-one moans about that. Hmmm jailed for a month and deported for wearing an allegedly offensive t-shirt. Yet an Emirati kills his mate through wreckless driving, speeding around Mirdiff, smacks into a wall in a suped up c...
Well he was stupid to run away in the first place. The police have to come and fill out a report otherwise a garage will not do any repairs without a police report, that's all the woman needed. He could have explained the situation and had it dealt with there and then. Now he's learning his lesson t...
Why did his licence expire without a residency visa? This is not right, even if your visa is cancelled your drivers licence can still be valid or you get a temporary one. It only expires once the end date on it has been reached. Also he could have gone and got an international drivers licence. The c...
Good grief. What a stupid decision to make! Great so 4 entire months of having to put up with annoying little people taking over the malls and irritating adults.
I'm sure this will do wonders for their education.
Okay I have received several complaints regarding subject matters, foul language and general trashing of threads. Therefore from this point onwards if encounter such things in this part of the forum, that thread will be immediately be edited, locked or deleted. I do not have time to be a babysitter ...
MCL, you'd be surprised actually, certainly in the airline industry most will not take their work home with them i.e. get inbolved with people they work with.
You have the right to an opinion. However, you do not have the right to reduce that opinion to a set of abusive insults and foul language. Please rmember this is an open forum in a country with certain morals, cultural and religious beliefs. Therefore anything which might breach that is not welcome.
erm, we have rules on the forum for a reason. I had several complaints with regards to certain peoples behaviour on here, which is why generally mods get tougher.
We are actually very relaxed and let alot of stuff slide.