As for the original question, once the mass exodus has occured during the summer as the schools kick out, I'm sure landlords will be begging people to take over their places.
RB, what planet are you living on? No! Why should the UK bend to the wants of people of certain religions. Obey the law of the land or go somewhere else - simple as! I am sick to death of these people saying they want everything their way, wanting to implement sharia law, wanting this and that! NO! ...
S&O has a point, plus the owner surely wouldn't have left it there in such a dusty condition. That has accumulated over time, so it's doubtful they are the scrawler. Also I have heard that now security are running checks on all cars that go into the airport parking lots, to see if the visa of th...
Many companies still hold passports (mine does) and I fully understand why, when you have so many people who are willing to shirk their responsibilities and just leave town.
Oh really? The how come in reports then they say that in many areas 100% of voters turned out? Unheard of. In one area where another candidate was from and related to the majority of the village 100% of the votes went to the other guy? I think not. Anyway the Ayatolla has promised an investigation.
RC, you're such an idiot! There's no way in hell that guy got a landslide victory! Otherwise why would soooo many people be rioting and calling for recounts.
The idea of the gourp is good. However, stupid people like moejoe and that ridiculous woman who bitches all over it have clearly missed the point and will just use it as an excuse to hatemonger.
The idea of the gourp is good. However, stupid people like moejoe and that ridiculous woman who bitches all over it have clearly missed the point and will just use it as an excuse to hatemonger.
Yes, the UAE is different from Saudi Kid, in the fact that it is liberal - might I remind that I lived there for 4 years! So I very well know the difference. You see you're the one who wants everything your way. I fully respect the cultural needs of the UAE, but when another country asks you to abid...
erm WHY oh WHY have you left this so late?! I know a gazillion dj's mostly decent UAE names that could do it for you, but you've left very little time for municipality permissions and the like to be sorted.