I am FURIOUS!!!! To put it bluntly! Came into works carpark to see three youths, dragging a poor little puppy along on the end of a rope. Pulling and shoving him, one gave him a boot in the ribs! The pup must only be about 12 weeks old. Of course me, being me, won't tolerate this, so I go over and a...
You are welcome. I did a couple of lessons at UAQ and really loved it. I;d love to learn to fly, but my poor salary can't afford it unfortunately - boo
Just shows how much you lot know doesn't it?! Children are maturing younger and younger these days. It's not uncommon for some girls to reach puberty at 8,9,10 years old.
You know I'dforgotten how hard it is to look after a puppy. But I can't help but laugh at the things he does. And I'm sure my older dog keeps egging him on - princess!
Well if you do nothing else, I change the oil and oil filter every 3,000 kilometers as it gets clogged up with sand. Tyres also need constant checkig, especially if you have a 4x4, those big quishy tyres need constant up keep.
Yep. Animals can live a long time. Depends how well they're looked after. Like anything, exercise and good diet go alog way. All my pets have lived well into their late teens.
I dispute that! Cats are excellent pets. Mine has an awsome personality. He very much used to be an outside roaming kinda moggy, but now much prefers to stay indoors and play with the dog.
Only 6 months? Way to soon if you ask me! I don't like Scorpio's, I don't get on with them.
Erm and you're basing how good someone is in bed by their star sign? Have you even slept together? That's the only thing you base things on, nothing else.