So Nick and Maad, you'd actually force a woman to have children for the sake of procreation? I simply have no desire to have children, what's wrong with that? And if I did, I'd probably adopt as there are so many unwanted children in the world in the first place. Who are you to judge?
Anything that comes from the production cimpanies in Abu Dhabi as they're all pretty useless. Same voices, who can't act and aren't professional VO's, bad production, terrible mixng etc etc etc.
One weird thing I've noticed as my parents are looking at properties in Autralia is that the Aussies seem to have a thing about sheds - why! Having looked at loads of websites many have a better description of the shed than the house - why? I know that Australians love the outdoors but is a shed rea...
Zooter, This question has been asked so many times on the forum and how many times has the answer come that body piercing is ILLEGAL!!! There are no regulated people that do it here, some people still do but it's not worth the risk of what you might catch. I'm blue in the face from saying this to si...
If you are an EU passport holder you just turn up at the border, fill in the little visa card and car card. You will pay to exit the UAE, get an exit stamp, then at the Oman side pay a little more and get an Oman entry stamp. It's cheaper for those with a residency visa than it is for those with jus...
Is pet keeping popular in Dubai ? ... dogs and cats mainly ? Also are there many shops that sell aquarium fish, etc ...I've heard that some of the markets/soux especially in Sharjah have exotic pets for sale at times :? Yes and also many pets which have been stolen from their owners for unscrupulou...
Dude, take a chill pill, I;m not having a go at you - doh! But obviously because of the reasons I've stated, that's why people are taking the p*** because they're tired of answering the same question for the 15 millionth time, so when they get bored of being asked the same thing for the 15 millionth...
Nick, I wasn't talking to you in the first place! Is your name ZOOTER? And I'm a girl with raging PMS, so back off buddy unless you want the claws out - HISSS - oh P*** rhymes with that!
Hey I'm only giving a personal opinion, I see virtually every single movie that comes out which is a lot of time in the cinema. I can say I don't think it's very good if I want - what's wrong with that? Plus Liban is absolutely right, I think it's totally irrepsonsible to release a movie like that h...
The vangs will come too is you don't watch it. hehehehe any ho gotta go shopping for me holiday - thank heck I;m outta here for 2 weeks tomorrow - yeeeeehhhhaaaaaa!
I don't think there's really a problem towards black people in general. With regards to African-Americans, sad to say that many know nothing of Africa and only of the US.
And what's wrong with being 478 exactly? The guy could have died at 20, 35, 52, whatever, but he's been around for centuries. I've known reincarnated people who are centuries old, sadly you're just incapable of comprehending these things.
Buryani is certainly not local. I wasn't aware that there was any actual local dishes to the UAE, it all seems a mish mash of things from other places.
The heat, sand and dust will kill it here though. Plus the way the nutters race around here I'd be terrified of being raced down the street and someone trashing it.
Fair point AV, but given that people acted stupid after the release of the first 2 movies here, you'll see the same again I guarantee it. And do we really need anymore carnage on the roads?
Doh - I was having a duffers moment then went to bed. Don't know why I misplet Biryani it's one of my favourite things, and yes I know it's Indian food.
Ysh, that's exactly my point not sure there is any what I'd call authentic local food as it's all influenced from other places.