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Yeah that's the stuff.
They do climbing at Wafi.
by Chocoholic
Jul 26, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: whats missing
Replies: 26
Views: 6626

HHHHmmmmm interesting, but probably true, it's a bit sad really, although my girlfriends just like a guy for the night most of the time, but that's getting a bit boring now and trying to find a decent bloke is finding difficult.

It's OK dude I have a Greek God!
by Chocoholic
Jul 27, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Where do you find sincere guys in Dubai??
Replies: 140
Views: 36035

ON: Strong arms, firm hug, stubble, nipple ring.

OFF: whoosy blokes, can't stand limp, weak hand shakes ewwww gives me the creeps. :pukeleft:
by Chocoholic
Jul 27, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: TURN ONS and OFFS!
Replies: 92
Views: 28333

I thought the Davinci Code was genius, I found it enthralling and couldn't put the book down until I'd finished it. Fact or not it's a good book. Thousands of people are now following the Davinci trail, going to all the places in the book, and a film is slated to go into production late this year st...
by Chocoholic
Jul 28, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: da vinci code
Replies: 21
Views: 5498

HHmmmm interesting, there have been a few cases where a foetus has grown on the intestine, I remember there was much research into this as if it's possible for a baby to grwo in this respect then it would be perfectly possible for men to carry babies. With regard to not having to use speerm, isn't t...
by Chocoholic
Jul 28, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Will religions become extinct once the life is discovered ?
Replies: 43
Views: 8209


Firstly what kind of journalism? Print? Radio? TV?

There are various outlets and there are plans for several more Tabloid type newspapers to be launched in the region.

Through Media City you can set yourself up as a freelancer and there are lots of local bods working in Media here.
by Chocoholic
Jul 31, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Journalism
Replies: 3
Views: 1479

Hi, AME Info is a big online news and business site It's very well known across the UAE and is very useful. As dxbsoul says all correspondence normally takes place via email/letter/phone. But any company who would seriously offer you a job should pay for your flight out. Also ...
by Chocoholic
Jul 31, 2005
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Replies: 5
Views: 2926

Urgh! Mortgages, my advice to you is don't get one with a company in Dubai! It's all still very new for them here and there's so much red tape it's not true. The amount you have to pay as a deposit is ridiculous you might as well just buy the thing outright from the start, only 25 years tenure and b...
by Chocoholic
Jul 31, 2005
Forum: Accommodation in Dubai
Topic: Mortagages Dubai
Replies: 5
Views: 2811

I applied for my ADSL connection online and it did say on the website that it could take upto 2 weeks to be sorted. A few days later an engineer turn up to connect the line and then another couple of days later 2 more chaps turned up to connect up the wireless box. The service was fine the national ...
by Chocoholic
Jul 31, 2005
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: bollocks to dubai
Replies: 20
Views: 19467

Ok I think this thread needs to be deleted before it turns nasty. I totally agree with Nik. Abs stop your rants and insightdubai dude whatever your name is you make yourself no better by ranting in return - you're all saddos! The only thing that rings totally true is we all belong to the human race....
by Chocoholic
Jul 31, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The Holy Bible and The Quran
Replies: 36
Views: 9044

Liban, you're just as bad as abs for denouncing other people's beliefs. Not everyone believes in Islam, not everyone believes in Christinanity what gives you the right to chastise people for not believing what you do? As far as I'm concerned people are free to believe what ever they want, I have no ...
by Chocoholic
Jul 31, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The Holy Bible and The Quran
Replies: 36
Views: 9044

Exactly so to my previous point - don't bother! In a market which is aspiring to be as upto date as the rest of the world, it's falling well short of the mark so far.

Dubai is just not upto this yet.
by Chocoholic
Jul 31, 2005
Forum: Accommodation in Dubai
Topic: Mortagages Dubai
Replies: 5
Views: 2811

Or do you mean liberal?
by Chocoholic
Aug 01, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Re:What is a liberated person?
Replies: 9
Views: 2933

Re: Questions about Dubai

HI, I was thinking of moving from the US to Dubai and have some general questions. If you have a US green card, how is that affected if you live over seas for 2-5 years? Ask your immigration department. Will your credit suffer if they find out you are living overseas ? (US credit rating) Ask your b...
by Chocoholic
Aug 01, 2005
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Questions about Dubai
Replies: 4
Views: 3005

So how easily a belief can turn dangerous? This is what drives me away from organized religion of every sort. I think what Pumpkin means by this is that people belive so strongly about their religion that it blinds them and stops them being open or tolerant of anything else. i.e. Muslim fanatics wh...
by Chocoholic
Aug 01, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The Holy Bible and The Quran
Replies: 36
Views: 9044

Liban, don't get me wrong, it was an example!

It's a shame that a small gorup of people tarnish an entire religion, but you don't see any others taking part in such atrocious acts around the globe 'In the name of God' it's pathetic.
by Chocoholic
Aug 01, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The Holy Bible and The Quran
Replies: 36
Views: 9044

Tenth Planet in our solar system

Wasn't sure which forum to post this in. Man this is going to cause a lot of re-writing of things, where everything before has been based on our solar system having 9 planets. ---------------------------------------- ASTRONOMERS have named the solar system's 10th planet Xena - like the warrior princ...
by Chocoholic
Aug 01, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Tenth Planet in our solar system
Replies: 23
Views: 4696

A pint of beer - hhhmmmm jusrt watch it doesn't turn into a pitcher that'll give you beer googles!
by Chocoholic
Aug 04, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Dating
Replies: 42
Views: 21403

muezzin (the person that conducts the call to prayer that you hear 5 times a day in Muslim countries). So in Islam it is illegal and was banned during the Caliphate, Ummayed, Ottoman and other Islamic periods when all Muslim people, Arabs, Persions, Indians, Central Caucases, Moores and others wher...
by Chocoholic
Aug 06, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Why Islam is the religion of peace.
Replies: 32
Views: 8858

Who told you to apply personally for work in Dubai?

Where are you from?

The visit visa is just the stamp in your passport you get on a arivval which means you can stay in the country for 30 days, unless you're of a nationality where you must apply for a visa in advance from the embassy.
by Chocoholic
Aug 06, 2005
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: how to get visa
Replies: 4
Views: 2695

You rude arsehole!

And is it really necessary to include all the quotes in your replies.

Why don't you tell us where you DJ, so we can come and laugh at your pathetic lack of skills!

Have a face for radio do you? i.e too minging to do anything else.
by Chocoholic
Aug 06, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Dating
Replies: 42
Views: 21403

Abs, are we so insecure that we can't you the word - sex?! and I actually think that MTV are being VERY responsible with their adverts. Teenagers will always be having sex not matter how much you preach and complain about it and I'd rather that if they're going to do it, they do it safely! Using con...
by Chocoholic
Aug 08, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Can sex really wait?
Replies: 17
Views: 6259

Discovery home safe and sound

Hey as I suggested before if we had a news section I'd have somewhere to put this! The Space Shuttle Discovery landed safely at Edwards Airforce Base in California at dawn yesterday. I watch the live footage of the shuttle de-orbiting - wow how cool was that! It was nerve wracking stuff after the Co...
by Chocoholic
Aug 10, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Discovery home safe and sound
Replies: 11
Views: 2253

Ah you see! Well apparently they want to return to the old capsule idea, which is launch on top of a rocket, forget what they called it, something vehicle. Only thing is the shuttle has been so useful because of its size and the amount of payload it can carry. But an update is seriously needed, I th...
by Chocoholic
Aug 10, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Discovery home safe and sound
Replies: 11
Views: 2253


Did you ever see the movie Capricorn 1? They did exactly that!
by Chocoholic
Aug 10, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Discovery home safe and sound
Replies: 11
Views: 2253

Hey, The movie is actually about a faked mission to Mars, but I guess the theories are the same. The movie was made in 1978, log onto It's THE info website for movies, just type in the movie name and the complete cast list, synopsis etc is there for you, I love this website, it's...
by Chocoholic
Aug 10, 2005
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Discovery home safe and sound
Replies: 11
Views: 2253

8 years! I'd be asking the question why it took you so long to ask? From a girls point of view, after 8 years together my view point would be if it ain't broke why fix it! Maybe she feels that after so long, what difference is that piece of paper going to make to the two of you. Some people just are...
by Chocoholic
Aug 11, 2005
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: what would you do?
Replies: 34
Views: 8299

No it's definately Tom Hanks, directed by the awsome Ron Howard - still can't believe he used to be Ritchie in Happy Days. Cast so far: Tom Hanks .... Robert Langdon Audrey Tautou .... Sophie Neveu Ian McKellen .... Sir Leigh Teabing Alfred Molina .... Bishop Aringarosa Jean Reno .... Bezu Fache res...
by Chocoholic
Aug 13, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: da vinci code
Replies: 21
Views: 5498

Plus have you seen the recent articles in the papers about the drivers paying into health insurance schemes and then Dubai Transport refusing to pay for their treatment! One guy lost his job because he needed a heart operation, they refused to pay for it and when he asked to go home to pay for the t...
by Chocoholic
Aug 13, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: taxi AGAIN !!!
Replies: 13
Views: 2723

And some of us get the pelasure of the oh so annoying 1 and a half days off, you work half day Thrusday and then get Friday off.

I wish there was a generic weekend it's a pain if you have one set and your mates or other half has the other set then you're stuck.
by Chocoholic
Aug 13, 2005
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Does this sound reasonable?
Replies: 24
Views: 7542

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