CarGar - Posts

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Returnign to Dubai after 7 years. Whats changed?

Hi guys I am looking to relocate Back to dubai. I left 7 years ago and am now looking to return with teh wife andkid in tow. Can anyone help me out with these questions. 1- How bad is teh trafic now? 2- do you still need to get a alcohol licence to by booze in dubai? 3 - Can you still by cheaper boz...
by CarGar
Mar 02, 2005
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Returnign to Dubai after 7 years. Whats changed?
Replies: 4
Views: 3601

The low Down on construction companies

Is anyone in teh construction industry. Possibly returning to Dubai and a project manager for Murray and roberts. what are they like to work for. I Have heard conflicting reports. What is a good sallary Package? (PM me if you want) WHat are the working hours liek . is it sstill 12hr days 6 days a we...
by CarGar
Mar 02, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The low Down on construction companies
Replies: 1
Views: 1626

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