sweet mary wrote:how true?
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Bobbie is my date, you'll will know me, I'll be dressed like a pimp!!!!
sniper420 wrote:BobbieMasoner wrote:yes, we can be pretty dangerous.. at times.
yeah they can be dangerous but we men are AZZZZZZZ TREEEE MELY DANGAROUUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZthat's the reason we need women to tame us.
sniper420 wrote:Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Bobbie is my date, you'll will know me, I'll be dressed like a pimp!!!!
i told u bobby his business in pimping that means he calls yah and fixes u with some other unknown male.
sniper420 wrote:i knew he was innocent ...somewhat. Even if he is guilty it aint his fault it's his parents fault
Ali-1974 wrote:You don;t have to read it - I give up on this forum - it is full of brainless, rude, arrogant people from Canada for some reason - they should change the name of the forum and call it SADCANADIANSFORUM.COM
sniper420 wrote:BobbieMasoner wrote:lmao
Sniper-1, Liban-nil.
Let's celebrate darl *sniper420 pops out a champagane and enjoys with bobbie"
Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Well arent you just the "it" girl!!!
sniper420 wrote:BobbieMasoner wrote:Pumpkin Escobar wrote:Well arent you just the "it" girl!!!
i've been clubbing in dubai atleast once a week since I was 13, i SHOULD know my way around
isn't minimum age to enter the club 21?