BellaUK - Posts

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I have come across exactly the same problem with KLM going to is so annoying! Have you tried with Emirates or Ethiad into London and then just getting a cheap flight up to Teesside...though i know BMI Baby has withdrawn from Teesside there is another low cost airline which has taken it...
by BellaUK
Jan 04, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: cheap flights to UK from Dubai
Replies: 16
Views: 3872

I have other things i'd rather spend my money on...think of the pairs of shoes i could buy for the extra!! :D Yes i am from Teesside...Nunthorpe. I am in Cairo working at the moment but i lived in Dubai a while ago and will be moving there next week for work! The red tape is a pain, but the lifestyl...
by BellaUK
Jan 05, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: cheap flights to UK from Dubai
Replies: 16
Views: 3872

Well...the driving and the incessant horn beeping even though its not going to make the traffic disappear (though i know it doesnt get much better there!)...and its just hard work being english here, it doesnt matter what i wear i still get harassed on the street, people mutter things about be think...
by BellaUK
Jan 05, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: cheap flights to UK from Dubai
Replies: 16
Views: 3872

Hey newfromlondon, If you want to join me and my friends any time let me know. It can be hard when you first get here. When I first came 2 years a go I met my first group of friends of this very forum and I am still great friends with them now, though I don't come on here much. Anyway if you want yo...
by BellaUK
Dec 31, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Meeting people in Dubai?
Replies: 96
Views: 17083

I grew up here for a while and I have to say I absolutely loved it and I was gutted when we left and always wanted to come back. I would rather bring kids up here than in the UK (especially now it's even worse than it was when I was young!) I think it takes time to get used to it here and make some ...
by BellaUK
Jan 02, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I'm outta here
Replies: 31
Views: 7574

I think you should be fine, I know many people here who are single parents (divorced and never married). Good Luck.
by BellaUK
Jan 06, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Single Parent
Replies: 33
Views: 9062

Has anyone's rent come down? I really hope mine does in the summer when it's due!
by BellaUK
Jan 06, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Villa prices fall by up to 45%
Replies: 418
Views: 58351

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