Belgiummoroccan - Posts

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Re: To Martin

"it make for anybody from the civilised part of the world to come into this shithouse" Martin, your message tells me about what type of person you are – it’s a shame that you are living in a foreign country, but yet still have that intolerant attitude toward the country that feeds you. Ma...
by Belgiummoroccan
May 16, 2010
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: is 30k aed decent salary for living in International City?
Replies: 20
Views: 23469

Re: Only High School Educated, Find A Decent Job?

Now you make us very curious pete t.
tell us more what you do
what do you mean by pretty special?
by Belgiummoroccan
May 17, 2010
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Only high school educated, find a decent job?
Replies: 11
Views: 5288

Re: Why Do Men Cheat

I heard in dubai everybody cheat everybody is this thrue.
by Belgiummoroccan
May 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Why do men cheat
Replies: 39
Views: 9274

Re: Belgium first European country to ban burka

So Belgium will become the first European country to ban the burka in public places. This leads the way for other countries to do the same. However, you sit and watch the human rights people and the pc brigades go into a flap now. Personally I think it's a good thing and there's the bigger issue of...
by Belgiummoroccan
May 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Belgium first European country to ban burka
Replies: 213
Views: 22160

Re: Why Dubai's Islamic Austerity Is A Sham

This was in the city centre of Dubai, the Gulf emirate where western women get a month in prison for a peck on the cheek; the Islamic city on Muhammad's peninsula where the muezzin's call rings out five times a day drawing believers to prayer; where public consumption of alcohol prompts immediate ar...
by Belgiummoroccan
May 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why Dubai's Islamic Austerity Is A Sham
Replies: 32
Views: 4480

Re: Rent-A-Car Diamond lease racist stuff

Yesterday I tried to hier a can in this company. The car was available and I gave a clerk all documents for paper-work. By the way I have a resident visa, local driving license for 5 years, credit card of HSBC ME. The clerk took all documents and stired on my passport. By the way I am a Russian pas...
by Belgiummoroccan
May 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: Rent-A-Car Diamond lease racist stuff
Replies: 11
Views: 10653

The worst things about Dubai

The worst things about Dubai In writing this I’ve realised that I’ll never be allowed out of the country should I post it whilst still here. Though very open in some ways, the Dubai authorities do not take criticism well, so though this was written over a couple of days at the beginning of July 200...
by Belgiummoroccan
May 18, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: The worst things about Dubai
Replies: 24
Views: 10433

Re: Sheikh Mohd -3rd most popular Middle East leader on Face

The leaders in the Middle East have realized that Web/Social Media are one of the potential mediums to reach their people. Some of the leading personalities in the region are Jordan's Queen Rania, Sheikh Mohammed from UAE. Do you know about any other popular leaders in the region who are active onl...
by Belgiummoroccan
May 31, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Sheikh Mohd -3rd most popular Middle East leader on Facebook
Replies: 4
Views: 1836

Re: What Are Your Summer Plans?

i'm going to makkah make my umrah insha allah with my husband.offcourse i'm still in Belgium now but i will travel first to dubai where my husband works insha allah and then togheter to saudi and then back to dubai and then end destiny belgium insha allah
by Belgiummoroccan
May 31, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What are your summer plans?
Replies: 38
Views: 5364

Re: Meet the Emiratis who are not really Emiratis. Their sto

I love this land to bits been here over 33 years but this is the only isssue that bugs me to no end. Atleast make some kind of positive steps in the ight direction. Some kind of permenent residence gree card-esq status even would be a step in the right direction. I feel they cannot avoid this very ...
by Belgiummoroccan
May 31, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Meet the Emiratis who are not really Emiratis. Their story!
Replies: 18
Views: 6554

Re: and now to the question on this post

Is dubai Perfect now? Yes and No in 4 ways... 1. YES, As far as Immorality is concerned Dubai is perfect. Its perfect in blocking pornographic websites to show the world that this is a city which upholds the Islamic and moral values, yet allowing prostitution to prosper under the nose of CID and Du...
by Belgiummoroccan
May 31, 2010
Forum: Dubai Black list
Topic: Is Dubai perfect now??
Replies: 15
Views: 12809

Does anyone know a Quranschool in UAE?

Hi non muslims And Salamu alaykum wa ra7matulahi wa barakatuhu ya ayuhal muslemeen Does anyone knows a quranschool for boys in the UAE ? I mean a really quranschool where they teach only the book of Allah. Not American school/Indian school/Britisch school/Russian school/Frensh school and so on. Ever...
by Belgiummoroccan
Jun 05, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Does anyone know a Quranschool in UAE?
Replies: 8
Views: 4758

Re: Does Anyone Know A Quranschool In UAE?

thanks for the information Bonk-- Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:21 am --Okay, I called the first islamic school in Dubai.they seem not intrested in accepting european kids or teaching european kids (must be real arab).so sad (is this racism?) i'm arab! but just born in europe!dous that mean i'm not arab? i'm c...
by Belgiummoroccan
Jun 06, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Does anyone know a Quranschool in UAE?
Replies: 8
Views: 4758

Re: Why Do You Travel?

i travel because i need to meet muslims all over the world.otherwise i'm gonna die here in europe between the non muslims.i can't breath here if i see my neighbure drinking alcohol and do bad stuff. But hey ....who am i....? to judge my neighbure.i'm the one who live in there country.!i just born in...
by Belgiummoroccan
Jun 06, 2010
Forum: Travel Around
Topic: why do you travel?
Replies: 45
Views: 27904

Re: Does anyone know a Quranschool in UAE?

I can find out if you really want from my American Redneck friend who also happens to be a certified mufti from Egypt( Weird combination I know ! ) Hes working for some Islamic Foundation in Abu Dhabi surely he must know. Hi desertdudeshj can you ask the american mufti what quranschool he can advis...
by Belgiummoroccan
Jun 09, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Does anyone know a Quranschool in UAE?
Replies: 8
Views: 4758

Re: Haunted House

This going to sound like I'm a nut job but who cares? The last few nights my wife and I have heard some seriously creepy sounds coming from the Villa. My wife thinks she has seen people walking into the bedroom and I can hear children playing when i know there are none. My favourite sound so far is...
by Belgiummoroccan
Jun 10, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Haunted House
Replies: 23
Views: 4650

what's ure plan in ramadan 2010

It's almost ramadaan the holy month for muslims also for non muslims share ure feelings what are ure plans in ramadan? what do you like in ramadan? what you don't like in ramadan? what bothers you most in ramadan? what/how do you feel about ramadan? is fasting difficult for you? How do you feel if y...
by Belgiummoroccan
Jun 10, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: what's ure plan in ramadan 2010
Replies: 2
Views: 1740

Re: What's Ure Plan In Ramadan 2010

What about me,okay what are ure plans in ramadan? i'm in Belgium at the moment but 1 juli i will travel insha allah to dubai to prepare my body and soul for ramadan in makkah till 12 september insha allah(i hate to spend ramadan in europe my god nooooo way!!!) i get depressed here! without muslims a...
by Belgiummoroccan
Jun 11, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: what's ure plan in ramadan 2010
Replies: 2
Views: 1740

Re: Why Not Completely Do Away With The Hadith???

masha allah nice topic Mister tom jones (singer ?) i advise you to read the Quran & (bukhari-muslim) & tafseer ibn kathir rasululah salla lahu alayhi wa sallem said:" if you want allah love you (fattabi3unee) follow me" okay In the quran you will find much ayahs about jihad but not...
by Belgiummoroccan
Jun 12, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Why Not Completely Do Away With The Hadith???
Replies: 10
Views: 2304

Re: Women's rights...Read Infidel?

Didn't read the book. But guess what, she had to leave the country because of death threats. She took them serious after the killing of Theo van Gogh (with whom she produced a short movie critizising Islam) by a Muslim who took the words of Muhammed literal. Obviously Muslims got their way, almost ...
by Belgiummoroccan
Jun 22, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Women's rights...Read Infidel?
Replies: 37
Views: 3538

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