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Investor Looking for Bakery

A potential investor is looking for running bakery/bakeries with established business. The main criteria is the net profit, which should not be less than 1.5 million AED annually. It could one bakery factory or several bakeries, both options are just fine. The budget is 4.8 million AED. The investor...
by Bardon
Jan 27, 2013
Forum: Investors Looking for Businesses
Topic: Investor Looking for Bakery
Replies: 5
Views: 4137

Investor Looking for Bakery

A potential investor is looking for running bakery/bakeries with established business. The main criteria is the net profit, which should not be less than 1.5 million AED annually. It could one bakery factory or several bakeries, both options are just fine. The budget is 4.8 million AED. The investor...
by Bardon
Jan 27, 2013
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Investor Looking for Bakery
Replies: 2
Views: 2186

Re: We Are Looking To Buy 12 Containers Of Cigarettes Every


I see the post was submitted a while ago. Nonetheless, if you are still looking for suppliers, please contact me.
by Bardon
Jan 27, 2013
Forum: Will Buy in Dubai
Topic: We are looking to buy 12 containers of cigarettes every mont
Replies: 3
Views: 7051

Re: Investor Looking for Bakery

Hello Qurratulain, Thank you for your reply. As it was mentioned in the post the main criteria/requirement is that the bakery must generate annual net profit of 1 - 1.5 million AED. The investor is French and he has previous experience of running a bakery as well as Security companies. However, if I...
by Bardon
Feb 18, 2013
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Investor Looking for Bakery
Replies: 2
Views: 2186

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