Asterix-TG - Posts

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Hi there, I'll be in Dubai in Jan 2004 and as an avid guitar player I'd be interested to see what replies you get. I know that there are a couple (not many!) music shops in Dubai but if they are good value will have to be determined once I'm out there. I doubt that you will be able to get anything b...
by Asterix-TG
Nov 11, 2003
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Guitar
Replies: 5
Views: 6311

That does sound like a good idea. I'm trying to get a goof flightcase made for my best acoustic so that I can bring it out but I'm worried that the temperature/humidity difference could affect it. Any ideas? I start on the 4th of Jan so I'm waiting for my flight details to come through. Not long to ...
by Asterix-TG
Nov 25, 2003
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Guitar
Replies: 5
Views: 6311

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