AsianinUS - Posts

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Re: Why Do You Travel?

Hello everyone! I am new here. I am an Asian woman who lives and works in America. I love to travel so I stumbled on this forum when I got interested in UAE-Dubai. As to why I travel, I travel because it's a vast world out there. Maybe it's to know that there are other people aside from me. And to s...
by AsianinUS
Aug 13, 2014
Forum: Travel Around
Topic: why do you travel?
Replies: 45
Views: 27296

Re: I Cannot Imagine A World Without........ .

My loved ones, my books, my freedom and the internet.
by AsianinUS
Aug 13, 2014
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: I cannot imagine a world without........ .
Replies: 121
Views: 49655

Re: Reasons Why Filipinas Are Cheap

My personal take on this.... Having been to different countries and living in America, I have come to the conclusion to let people be. I don't have any right nor in a position to judge. No matter how I try to put myself in someone else's shoes, the fact remains that I am not that person. I don't hav...
by AsianinUS
Aug 13, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Reasons why Filipinas are cheap
Replies: 20
Views: 32385

Re: Romance Is Related With Flowers

Flowers make people smile. However, when it comes to romance, it is not really about the flowers, but the gesture and the feeling. A woman receiving flowers is not happy because of the flowers but because she knows the man thinks of her and is treating her kindly.
by AsianinUS
Aug 13, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Romance is Related With Flowers
Replies: 3
Views: 2591

Re: Reasons Why HE Stopped Calling?

Hmm... when I was dating... btw, dating for me means going out together in public, not making out. It means dining, strolling, sightseeing. Anyway, when I was dating, I couldn't care less if the guy would call because I was very busy. I have a full time job and I have hobbies not to mention house ch...
by AsianinUS
Aug 13, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Reasons why HE stopped calling?
Replies: 65
Views: 16952

Re: A Little Advice Please :)

LOL This thread is hilarious....
by AsianinUS
Aug 13, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: A Little Advice Please :)
Replies: 13
Views: 5705

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