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How much you know about Cannabis?

Cannabis What is cannabis? Cannabis is a plant found wild in most parts of the world and is easily cultivated in temperate climates such as the UK's. Some names are based on country of origin such as Afghan, Colombian, homegrown, Lebanese, Moroccan, Pakistani etc. Cannabis comes from Cannabis sativ...
by AddictionDoctor
Sep 16, 2010
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: How much you know about Cannabis?
Replies: 8
Views: 6570

How much do you know about smoking & Nicotine?

Tobacco (& Nicotine) (for detailed information, please go to the first Arabic website specialised in addiction: idmanhelp com For the English version, please click on the British flag on the banner of the main page of the Arabic website) Tobacco is an agricultural product processed from the fre...
by AddictionDoctor
Sep 16, 2010
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: How much do you know about smoking & Nicotine?
Replies: 0
Views: 1863

Re: Guaranteed Psoriasis Treatment Without any side effect.

The title is not relevant to your topic. And, there is absolutely no treatment whatsoever without side effects :?:
by AddictionDoctor
Sep 16, 2010
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Guaranteed Psoriasis Treatment Without any side effect.
Replies: 3
Views: 2851

Re: Guaranteed Psoriasis Treatment Without Any Side Effect.

'Kangal Fish Treatment' is not enough on its own, there is a need for topical treatment particularly in acute and early phase.
by AddictionDoctor
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Guaranteed Psoriasis Treatment Without any side effect.
Replies: 3
Views: 2851

some information about alcohol- check this website الكحوليّات الكحول هو مصطلح كيميائي يطلق على فئة من المواد التي يتم استهلاك بعضها فقط كمشروب و يعرف بـ ’الإيثانول‘ (الكحول الإيثيلي) ، بينما بعضها يعرف بــألـ ’آيزوبوبايل الكحول‘ المستخدمة في مَسحات الكحول (لأغراض طبية) ، والميثانول (الكحول الميثيلي) أو كحول الخشب ...
by AddictionDoctor
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: some information about alcohol- check this website
Replies: 0
Views: 1624

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