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Is security clearance required for private free zone IT org?

If I am working in a private Free zone IT organization in Dubai, do I still need a security clearance? I have heard that's only needed for government organizations.
few other friends joined this organization over 1.5 years back and they said they didn't get any clearance.
by ASid
Jan 04, 2014
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Is security clearance required for private free zone IT org?
Replies: 1
Views: 1588

employment visa documents for pakistanis

I did O and A levels and made equivalency certificates for matric and inter to do my bachelors from pakistan. now i have two questions.. 1. when i submit my bachelors degree for attestation. do i need to submit attested equivalency? or just normal equivalency will do. 2. my employment visa was based...
by ASid
Jan 05, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: employment visa documents for pakistanis
Replies: 0
Views: 1327

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