arniegang wrote:you mean like this Venice ?
Mrs Bear is actually moaning....
PrettyPenny wrote:The question is ... how do I approach it with him in the first place? There must be some way which wouldn't embarass me beyond belief if the feeling wasn't exactly mutual.
Abaas wrote:
Coming from England i reckon its more "present" here but there's more loyalty across the board in the UK .... just my observations.
terranova wrote:best place on earth if you're a muslim... makkah
worst place on earth if you're not a muslim... also makkah
sniper420 wrote:MMM many new faces........And why r u guys interested in PSPs?
sniper420 wrote:good lord u guy s suck in wrtiing reviews .......did u care to see my archives? The movie sucked a#s..... the director was some new guy and the ending was dumb.....and I wanted more exposure of Rebecca....
q121 wrote:yeh it looks gud. my uncle has a got vouchers for it so i'l use them.
arniegang wrote:Sorry Venice the subject can only be discussed with DFM members. Highly confidential you understand.
arniegang wrote:Just a note to you guys. Please be very discreet when posting links regarding bypassing proxies. These forums are monitored by the powers that be.
Use the "pm" function.