7aman - Posts

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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Our mission at Tas'Heel is to provide our customers with the finest possible business and paralegal service in the UAE, under the strictest ethical values and always with a vision towards the future. We have been in business for over five years and our staff has more than fifteen years of experience...
by 7aman
Dec 09, 2011
Forum: Legal Services in Dubai
Topic: Tasheel
Replies: 1
Views: 2860

business startup , Visa assistance , pro services at tasheel

Helping businesses grow and prosper in the United Arab Emirates. Our mission at Tas'Heel is to provide our customers with the finest possible business and paralegal service in the UAE, under the strictest ethical values and always with a vision towards the future. We have been in business for over f...
by 7aman
Dec 09, 2011
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: business startup , Visa assistance , pro services at tasheel
Replies: 0
Views: 2573

Dubai residence visa - One time payment no sponsorship fees

Tasheel is proudly offers you a resident investor visa which will allow you to enjoy all this benefits - Buy a car - Buy a property - Getting driving license - Sponsor Your family - Sponsor visit visas and Much more with only one time payment no need to get a trade license , no need for the office a...
by 7aman
Jan 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai residence visa - One time payment no sponsorship fees
Replies: 0
Views: 1525

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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