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Old Employer not giving NOC - HELP!!!

I emigrated to Dubai in May 2008 from the UK. I was offered a job with DAMAC Properties as a Senior Sales Consultant. Due to the Global crisis, I was layed off on 11th Nov ’08 and was given a 6 hours notice. I was told that within 2 days came I will be given my settlement. And I will be entitled to ...
by 3sheikh
Feb 15, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Old Employer not giving NOC - HELP!!!
Replies: 7
Views: 5768

Thanks for the kwik reply S & O. I didn't want to swear and there is so MUCH more they have done to me and don't have a care in the world. Am so low at the moment that I'm having wrong thoughts of leaving this world due to DAMAC. It won't solve anything and would only hurt my family. I have to b...
by 3sheikh
Feb 15, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Old Employer not giving NOC - HELP!!!
Replies: 7
Views: 5768

Ban on Working

I would like to thank you all who replied and gave comfort and support in the this forum. I got my passport back from Damac last Sunday and was asked to pay AED 130. This is returnable, when I get back from my Oman visa run later this month. I found out today that I cannot get the ban lifted without...
by 3sheikh
Mar 02, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Old Employer not giving NOC - HELP!!!
Replies: 7
Views: 5768

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