FAKESPIKE wrote:all you guys are posting as guests. u might aswell make a account. so star raving janara stan all yall its easy so get it done.
ISH wrote:aiite u in kabul punk hahahhahahaha tell me wat them americans is doin 2 u prolly butt fukin u.... u neva know...
Jamal wrote:well i gots to say it would be da room beside ISH's room which would be ur sisters ofcourse and if i gots to pay extra on da holiday package for the condoms and shit then i aint having that cause i aint bout to spend a dime on dat princess gettin her wacked
ISH wrote:mmm think again ass its the same tep. in ur moms tiger, dont get mad princess coz anybitch am fuckin is tradegy 6 inch wit no feelings its time fo u start beliveeen lata
smartd wrote:I'm just happy about the non-stop flights that they are starting.
Australia, New York, China, and soon Canada !