ebonics wrote:its still not a risk in other emirates, where its a fraction of the price, and even the scummiest of areas in australia dont go down in price.
reviewer wrote:Just posted some pics of the pile up, it was frigthening, never imagined it could end up like this because of the "fog"...
scarlet wrote:Yeah its fixed now.
Mods - can you delete this thread please?
Alex1111 wrote:By the way,friend of a friend brought a house in Sydney few years ago and now its worth less than what she paid.Mmm.
Alex1111 wrote:Sorry if u didnt like what i wrote Ian but I am only saying what I was told.
Mmm,take it your an Aussie?
bonk wrote:I don't have fog lights. It annoys me because it means those drivers have disabled their emergency warning system.
dubaidog wrote:People that drive with hazard lights on when it is rainy/foggy should be shot......especially when they are driving faster than conditions allow.