arniegang wrote:Just do what i do, just make up a PO Box Number
Heheh, that's what I did. Used Fillful and it worked a treat, takes that headache away for good.
arniegang wrote:Just do what i do, just make up a PO Box Number
kanelli wrote: If we ever sit indoors it will have to be in the non-smoking section or there will be no dinner.
Liban wrote:Screw rugby... Gay sport wear men like to pile on top of each other
Liban wrote:Hotel and premises owners that allow themselves to be shagged when the sheep are asleep can flout these rules.
Thats why the places you mentionned have them...
Liban wrote:OK, what part of me saying that "I am pulling your leg" are you having trouble understanding?
the_zooter wrote:Ian,
Where are you from originally??