isabela wrote:deep...should i just watch the movie Serendipity Dr. D?
noni wrote:Dr D is thin really in?
isabela wrote:
i knew it...i should it more...shoot..i skip rice this morning..
so Dr. D, what will i do to reach 100post ..before i log out today?
sara_uk wrote:Good morning Dr D how is your day so far?
weary_heart wrote:Dr. D, do you eat chocolate when you're suppa duppa angry?
noni wrote:Dr D where did Dr Suess get green eggs and ham from?
Jeevan wrote:Dr. D will Gilli Fire today?
isabela wrote:Dr. D, i'm running out of question?
what should i ask you to reach my last 100 post?
noni wrote:What did the Bealtes mean by "obla di obla da?"