Arabic Language Classes @ DXB

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Arabic language classes @ DXB Apr 09, 2008
Hello everyone,

I am a Pakistani-American and would like to speak Arabic fluently; I just don't want to know a few sentences here and there but would like to communicate in a fluent way

Can anyone recommend any language centers in Dubai that have classes starting at the beginner level all the way to fluent?

Im fluent in Urdu, so im hoping that Arabic should be easy to pick up, what do you guys think? I know a lot of Arab people can speak Urdu very fluenty so im thinking I can do the same, thank you.

Dubai Forums Member
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Apr 10, 2008

You should find some links in the above thread that may help you out. As far as your knowledge in Urdu helping in learning Arabic, yes it may help since there are many similar words -- but some of the letters in the Arabic language are pronounced differently so that may be a bit difficulty, not only for you but for any non-native Arabic speaker.

Good luck and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
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