Wanted: Event Manager

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Wanted: Event Manager Aug 02, 2006
Professional society for geoscientists is setting up small branch office in Dubai (Knowledge Village). HQ in Europe. Looking for event manager (female) to organize independently educational events like workshops, conferences and exhibitions in the Middle East; mainly in oil&gas industry. Commercial experience needed, preferably in event organization. Important to be flexible and able to work independently. International travel. If you are seriously interested, send letter/ picture and cv to gw@eage.org

UAE, Dubai Forum starter
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Sep 25, 2006
Is this position still available and what is the salary?
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Re: Wanted: Event Manager Sep 26, 2006
GerardW wrote:Professional society for geoscientists is setting up small branch office in Dubai (Knowledge Village). HQ in Europe. Looking for event manager (female) to organize independently educational events like workshops, conferences and exhibitions in the Middle East; mainly in oil&gas industry. Commercial experience needed, preferably in event organization. Important to be flexible and able to work independently. International travel. If you are seriously interested, send letter/ picture and cv to gw@eage.org

Got an email from Gerard W - the position is no longer available. I wish that people posting job notices would take the trouble to update them or remove them when the jobs are filled......
UAE, Dubai Forum starter
Posts: 1

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