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ONE WAY TICKET !!! Mar 01, 2006
I'm planning to visit Dubai this coming April and I need some advice if it's necessary to buy 2 way airfare ticket or just 1 way.

I'll take my chances to find a decent job in Dubai within 60 days and I'm not sure the return ticket going back here in Toronto. I hope 1 way ticket is not an issue in the immigration airport in Dubai.

Paulo Rienne
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Mar 01, 2006
Unless you are a UAE national or have UAE residency, you cannot buy a one way ticket to Dubai.

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Mar 01, 2006
Really?? I am very surprised!! Are you sure about that!! It means that if you're french you cannot take a one way ticket ? Is that right ?
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ONE WAY TICKET !!! Mar 01, 2006
Thanks Liban for the info.

Co'z I'm planning to buy the return ticket in Dubai. Anyways, If that's the law I guess I have no choice but to buy a 2 way ticket instead.
Paulo Rienne
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Mar 01, 2006
Even if you could, a one way ticket would cost more than a return, so i dont see the point of the question. Also, technically having a return ticket doesnt mean you actually have to catch the plane on the return.
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ONE WAY TICKET !!! Mar 02, 2006
Thank you all for the info.

It's just that I have no plan to go back to Toronto, instead I am planning to go to other country to explore and find my luck. That's the main reason why I want to buy a 1 way ticket and buy another ticket once I'm in Dubai.

As per Liban, it is prohibited by UAE law to purchase a one way ticket into the country unless you are a UAE national or have a valid UAE residency. I guess I have no choice but to stick with the rule.

Thank you once again for all your response.

P.S. I am in the IT field as a Network Engineer/Administrator, If anyone can send me a link for me to apply for a job, It will be highly appreciated.
Paulo Rienne
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Mar 02, 2006
ingrid wrote:Really?? I am very surprised!! Are you sure about that!! It means that if you're french you cannot take a one way ticket ? Is that right ?

Toutes les nationalites n'ont pas droit a l'aller simple sans une residence ou bien un passport emiratien.

Desole, c'est la loi ici. :(
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Mar 02, 2006
Mais même les Français ?? Comment se fait-il que tu parles français ?? Tu es de quelle origine ??

Dans quel domaine travailles-tu ?
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Mar 02, 2006
ingrid wrote:Mais même les Français ?? Comment se fait-il que tu parles français ?? Tu es de quelle origine ??

Dans quel domaine travailles-tu ?

Bien sur. Personne, a part les 2 exceptions que j'ai mentionnees, peut y echapper.

Je suis libanais (mon nom est Liban apres tout :) ). C'est pour cela je parles le francais :)

Je suis en gestion de projet.
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ONE WAY TICKET!!! Mar 08, 2006


yes it is not possible to buy 1 way ticket i think even on some asian countries the popular one....... and beside it is more cheaper to buy a 2 way ticket... but since you will stay for 60 days... arrggghhhh! for sure it will cost you more...........

s-e-x-y angelica
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Mar 15, 2006
what if you are on an e-ticket? How do they check?
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Re: ONE WAY TICKET!!! Mar 15, 2006
careerandmoney wrote:=)


yes it is not possible to buy 1 way ticket i think even on some asian countries the popular one....... and beside it is more cheaper to buy a 2 way ticket... but since you will stay for 60 days... arrggghhhh! for sure it will cost you more...........

s-e-x-y angelica

It is possible to buy the one-way ticket, as I recently did with Emirates and they gave me no warning about the restrictions, and it cost far less than a return. BUt thanks to this thread I have upgraded my ticket to a return.
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Thanks for the advice Apr 03, 2006
Thanks for this thread. I'm realy glad for all your advice. I'm also planning to go there in visit visa and find my luck like my friends did.

By the way, how much is visit visa now? Is the new policy now implemented? (that a visit visa is good for 3 months and can be re-newed for another 3 months).

By the way, can anyone help me find a job there? I'm a Accountancy graduate and currently working as a payroll assistant.

Thanks a lot.
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