Oil Palm Plantation Project For Joint Investment In Malaysia

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Oil Palm Plantation Project for Joint Investment in Malaysia Feb 14, 2014
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Project Preview
This an opportunity to participate in the booming oil palm industry in Malaysia. This is your chance to be part of the lucrative RM60 billion and growing industry by owning a 1/4 acre plot or more in our plantation in Mukah, Sarawak. At 25 million tonnes of production annually, the Malaysian oil palm sector promises high-yield returns for smart investors.

Our company owns a total of 7,300 acres of oil palm plantation land in Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia and invloves joint investment with potential investors to plant, manage and harvest the said land.

This is an oil palm investment project, wholly owned, managed and operated by Golden Agro Plantation (Mukah) Berhad.

Total Investment Required for this project is RM232,000,000 (USD69.6 million)

Land Profile
The Land which is owned by the Management Company measures approximately 5,096 hectares (equivalent to 12,587 acres). It is held under Lot No. 3, Block/Section No.2, Baoh Land District, Mukah Division, Sarawak.
The land is surrounded surrounded by other mature plantations, owned and managed by subsidiaries of large listed companies such as Tradewinds and WTK. These plantations are growing well and profitable.

Progress of the plantation

As for the progress of the plantation, as per our Independent Consultant Mercury Avenue Sdn Bhd's progress report dated 7th November 2013 (kindly refer our Government Registered Prospectus) at link:http://www.gapgrowers.com.my/sites/default/files/Golden%20Agro%2011112013.pdf a total of 3,315 acres ( or 40% of the total land ) has already been planted. However, while our company has already been 2 years into this project, planting it in stages, it will take between 2 to 3 years more for the palms to bear fruit.
The timing of the investment structure is facilitated to match the life cycle of the plants. After 5 years upon the start of the project the palm hits maturity and that is when production is at its greatest.

Under the investment structure the investors are allowed to own as many plots as they wish subject to availability of the plots. The plots are freely transferable 12 months after the investment.

UAE, Dubai Forum starter
Posts: 1
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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undefined Nov 20, 2014
hello, my name is zainal muttaqin, i work to staff in goverment everyday, i live in Jakarta - Indonesia, the next we are to offer oil palm plantations at west kalimantan (indonesia), if your company interest to offering it, please call me by email or phone number, my email : nal.muttaqin@gmail.com , my number phone +6285722706522. Thanks
Best regards,

Zainal Mutaqin
UAE, Dubai Forum starter
Posts: 1
Location: Jakarta ID

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