Looking For Investors For A Small Business.

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Looking for Investors for a small business. Mar 03, 2015
Hi all, I came from the UK five months ago for a holiday, I found a niche in the market whilst being here, believe me when I tell you its exclusive & could go big, it just needs to be executed well. I've been in Dubai ever since because i have a passion & refuse to go back to London till i kick it off. Ive been working on it for the last few months & am happy to say its nearly complete. What i will say on this forum is, Its an online business, the website is more or less built & is pretty impressive. Now, the reason i am looking for an investor is one because i need someone with a little power & influence so once launched bigger companies can't blow me out the water if you know what i mean, secondly, I've spent much of my savings building the website & on living expenses etc. and need to make things happen pretty quick & thirdly, i don't have much experience in the business world, especially in Dubai. So if anyone is willing to talk further don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks Yours faithfully

Faiz Rafi

tel: 0528575360

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Re: Looking For Investors For A Small Business. Mar 09, 2015
contact me with my email sheikali0002@gmail.com so that we can discuss about the business and i can allocate the funds needed
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