Fantatic Business Requires An Investor

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Fantatic Business requires an investor Sep 18, 2014
What is the earths most precious resource? Chances are most people you ask this question to, will reply oil or gold. They’d be wrong. The earth’s most precious resource is WATER. While more than 60% of the earth’s surface is covered with water, only 3% is suitable for human use. 2% of all the fresh water available originates from ice caps and glaciers, which are melting at an alarming rate due to global warming. For example the ice on Mount Kilimanjaro has shrunk 85% in the last 100 years, while the Aral Sea, once the 2nd largest lake in Asia is now only 1/10th the size it was 50 years ago. At the same time due to increased demand for water due to urbanization resulting in over utilization of ground water resources, leading to ground depletion. E.g. Mexico City has sunk over 30ft due to ground water depletion.

Currently over 1.2 billion people lack access to clear drinking water. With increased population growth and urbanization, and diminishing natural water supplies, means the situation is only going to get worse. In fact politicians, academics and journalists have frequently predicted that disputes over water would be a source of future wars. Commonly cited quotes include: that of former Egyptian Foreign Minister and former Secretary-General of the United Nations Boutrous Ghali, who forecast, “The next war in the Middle East will be fought over water, not politics”; his successor at the UN, Kofi Annan, who in 2001 said, “Fierce competition for fresh water may well become a source of conflict and wars in the future,” and the former Vice President of the World Bank, Ismail Serageldin, who said the wars of the next century will be over water unless significant changes in governance occurred. It is predicted that by 2025, water shortages will be more prevalent among poorer countries where resources are limited and population growth is rapid, such as the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia.

Africa, the Middle East and China will face very severe water shortages due to physical scarcity and a condition of overpopulation relative to their carrying capacity with respect to water supply. Most of South America, Sub-Saharan Africa, China and India will also face water supply shortages by 2025; for these latter regions the causes of scarcity will be economic constraints to developing safe drinking water, as well as excessive population growth.

There are huge economic considerations too, water supply and sanitation require a huge amount of capital investment in infrastructure such as pipe networks, pumping stations and water treatment works. It is estimated that Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations need to invest at least USD 200 billion per year to replace aging water infrastructure to guarantee supply, reduce leakage rates and protect water quality.

So what’s the answer?

Obviously with the reducing natural water supply as a result of shrinking ice caps and lakes etc due to global warming and increasing demands on the current water supply does not bode well for the future. The answer is to increase the water supply through water generation. Current water solutions do not actually generate water, but use an existing water source to clean water such as desalination or reverse osmosis. However these solutions require a vast capital outlay itself and cause their own environmental problems. For example with the issue of desalination, what do we do with the salt? Dumping the salt back into the sea affects ecology of marine life close by.

We think we have the answer. Water generation through atmospheric water generators (AWGs). AWGs have been in existence for a number of years, and the technology is well known, using the humidity in the atmosphere to generate water. However AWGs have limited success as they are only affective in areas of high humidity. Additionally AWGs are limited in the amount of water that can be produced, with the largest capacity machines able to produce no more than 5,000 litres per day.

However our new water generation technology is about to change the face of water generation as we know it. Through our new cutting edge water generation technology we can now generate water irrespective of the climate. We do not generate water from the humidity in the atmosphere, so is not only affective in hot humid climates but whether our water generation plants are situated in the South Pole, the desert, rain forest or the plains of Africa, our plants will effectively produce water. Furthermore we are able to generate from 10,000 litres per day up to 10 million litres per day. Moreover the cost of producing water using our plants is far cheaper than desalination or reverse osmosis. For example the cost of producing water using our plant based on a 10 million litre per day plant is $0.0006 per litre or $0.60 cents per cubic meter. Compare that to DEWA which currently charges customers $0.0025 per litre or $2.50 per cubic meter.

So we now have a new water generation technology that:

(a) Actually generates water as opposed to using an existing water source.
(b) Generates water considerably cheaper than any exiting water technology.
(c) Is not available with anyone else. Our technology has been patented and the owner of the technology will not offer it to any other party.

This is potentially the next new billion dollar industry….. its potential is HUGE!!!!! Generating the earth’s most precious and in demand resource.

Imagine standing with Bill Gates as he explained his business concept – Microsoft. This is one of those rare opportunities to get in on the ground level of a business that will truly change our lives over the years to come.

The situation is my company has formally obtained the rights to distribute and sell these water generation plants for the Middle East and Africa. My region includes everything from Turkey in the West to Bangladesh in the East. Down to Sri Lanka in the South and all the CIS region in the North. Including the entire continent of Africa. Having obtained the rights I have also now signed a JV agreement with the owner / developer to establish a JV company in the Jebel Al Free Zone to assemble and supply these water new cutting edge water generation plants not just throughout my region but as where else as may be required.

Having signed the JV agreement and obtained the official rights for my region, I am now looking for a partner who is able to invest $500,000 to enable us to set up our operations in Jebel Ali.

If you are interested please contact me via email at

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