World Of Warcraft Account From Sweden

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World of Warcraft Account from Sweden Jun 15, 2009
Hey Dudes and Dudettes!

I've played WoW for 4 years now, and i've come to an end with my gaming and I thought i could post it on this site (was referred by a friend)
Maybe you can take over and take good care of the characters as ive done the past 4 years

A little info about my characters.


#1 Undead female Mage lvl 80
This was my main character. I played it so well i managed to become one of the worlds best PvE mages, ranked #10 during Naxx/EoE and OS (WWS stats from encounters published).
I've cleared Ulduar with this character, yogg saron server third and world 17th

Ranks: General, Conqueror etc etc

Professions: Enchanting/JC 450 each

Epic flying, northrend, several mounts etc etc

Stats: PvE Fire (unbuffed)
* Bonus Damage:2023
* Bonus Healing: 2023
* Hit Rating: 382
* Crit Chance: 30.46%
* Haste Rating: 547
* Mana Regen: 190

Gear: Best in slot in several ways t7.5/gothiks cowl/ Hood of Rationality (pre ulduar) FULL EPIC
PvP: Deadly (2p heroes), insane PvP gear tbh for playing with an RMP setup as frost...massive stats 700 ress if you wish or do as i did and use 2p Valorous together with the deadly gear FULL EPIC

#2 Orc male Hunter lvl 80

This was my "lol char"
I had a lot of fun pre WOTLK with this character and i lvld it up during 3.1
Has awesome gear aswell, killed up to Generel Vezax in 25 man Ulduar

Ranks: twilight vanquiser etc

Professions: Skinning/LW 450 each

Epic flying, northrend

Stats: PvE Survival (unbuffed)
* Damage: 1172 - 1420
* Speed: 2.25
* Power: 4277
* Hit Rating: 254
* Crit Chance: 34.99%

Gear: t8/8.5 Journeys End etc etc EoE heroic key in the bag for best ingame neck pre ulduar FULL EPIC

#3 Blood Elf male Death Knight lvl 80

This character became my top priority when ulduar came out. im topping the meters with insane dps and is known as the server third best death knight. KIlled yogg aswell with this character in 25 man

Ranks: twiligt vanquisher, Conqueror of Ulduar soon i hope

Professions: Mining/JC 450 each

Epic flying, northrend

Stats: PvE Blood dps (unbuffed, as in without horn of winter for example)
* Damage: 1925 - 2262
* Speed: 3.25
* Power4265
* Hit Rating: 296
* Crit Chance: 26.88%
* Expertise: 28 (7%)

Gear: 4p t7.5, 3p 8.5, greatness trinket, Belt of Titans and Battlelord's Plate Boots! etc FULL EPIC

Gear: Tank
I've tanked whole ulduar10 with my tank gear
Logged out with dps because it's my mainspecc, but i do have 3p t7, 3p T8

And i have 2 more lvl 70 chars which are a Night Elf Female Rogue and a Tauren Male Druid <- Epic Flying and Full epic geared pre WOTLK

So you see, i've put my deep soul into this game...and im really crying about selling it, But I do hope that you as a buyer can carry these Characters on and make them even stronger ingame and become as good as I did.

Gold all together is above 25k and mats for another 10k, and PCT is ready and so is the name/gender change (edited since you can't type s e x)

ALL characters are on PvP realms

Price: 650€/Character or 1500€ for the whole account

Screens and more info is available

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