Sharing Of Visa Informations.

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Sharing of visa informations. Jul 19, 2014
I wish to know about the UAE VISA.

I've worked for one company located in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

The salary specified on the employment contract was normally paid, however the company did'nt allow the family VISA and delay the furnishment of business vehicle.

Therefore I've returned to Korea 06 months ago without cancellation of my Resident VISA and Work Permit.

There's no trouble on my Credit Card, Bank Loan and Bank Account...etc. and all of the banking service is normal.

Meantime, I wish to know about the restriction(limitation) terms of my Immigration(Entry/Exit) on the other GCC 05 Countries such as KSA, Omman, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, if any and also availability of Work VISA Issue from the other 05 countries except for UAE. END

Remarks : Work VISA Cancellation and NOC(No Objection Certificate) from the VISA Sponsor Company are essential to apply to other Employment Contract inside the UAE, however Work VISA Issue from the other 05 Contries are available. Never Mind.

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