U21 Tournament Great Succes

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U21 tournament great succes Jun 11, 2013
I have always said that sports can be a great vehicle for tolerance and brotherhood. It seems that is what happening now in Israel during the football tournament.

A nice article:

http://www.timesofisrael.com/english-is ... of-soccer/

Soccer squad members play with Israeli children; Bedouin coach says soccer can ‘can bring people together, open doors’

There are children from all religions, both sexes, playing together and having a good time. All they care about is soccer

Germany had this shirt:

german tshirt.jpg
german tshirt.jpg (47.7 KiB) Viewed 2182 times

It reads: we feel at home.

Uefa already completed Israel on the best and most succesful European U21 tournament. It is not over yet. The 4 semi-finalists are: Italy, Norway, Holland and Spain.

He who has the youth, has the future.

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