Should we ask Chocs? I believe she has a German BF! Although she's never in a very good mood these days so maybe he's chucked her?

I take it when you said the krauts like it rough you did mean rugby.
I'm not sure whether Herve likes rugby, I know he enjoys water sports and winding Shaf up.
Herve's a bit tied up these days, pretrial!
-- Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:03 am --
I haven't got to the bottom of posting a new comment, when I post after myself it always adds it to the previous post

Anyways off I go!
I didn't watch the Italy v Ireland match as I was off to the shops getting measured up as the Daily Mail advised 80% of women wear the wrong size bra. They lied.
Got home in time to watch France v Scotland. It was quite exciting for a slow Saturday afternoon. I don't know if I'm going to get into this rugby carry on. It's not like footie where I can shout at the telly and set the dog off. They seem to pass the ball and then get taken out by the opposition so what's the point?
I took benwj's advice and concentrated on 1 to 6 of the players. They didn't have a full set of teeth between them. Attractive not.
France did well to win but the Scots seemed to think they'd done well and were unlucky. Whatever.
Now the stadium, it seemed full! No report on how many present but they all looked French to me. The Scots are usually ginger and I didn't see many of those.
I love Paris! I've only been once and that was when I was flying to Dubai via Charles de Gaulle. I flew from Manchester and it was the day after Utd had played some big game in Moscow. All the Utd fans were flying back into Man. and when we got on to the run way the pilot said we were 105th to take off so I kissed my connection in France goodbye. When I finally got to GDG I'd missed my connection as I knew I would. Air France advised me of a 12hour wait.

I decided to venture into Paris via AF's bus. I got off at a big round about in Paris called the Arc something and walked to the Eiffel Tower. What a fantastic city! I just loved it. I spent the afternoon looking at the buildings and ate pasta and drank wine in a pavement cafe, people watching. The French women have class just like the Italian women, attractive without trying. Not that I'm into women, but can see appreciate beauty when I see it. I made my way back to the airport and went past the Stade de France. It seemed a bit rough round there I have to admit, a bit like areas of London, given over to foreigners. When I arrived back at the AF desk they asked me if I would mind being off loaded and onto the next flight as the evening one was full, they offered me £300 to do it. I asked if they would upgrade me the next day to business class and they said no, so, so did I and I left CDG at 11.30pm.
-- Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:55 am --
Oh, I forgot to say the score, it was 39-21 to France. I think that was it anyway, something like that. It wasn't 39 goals so it doesn't really matter.